A lively stage adaptation of the Academy Award-winning 1994 Disney film, The Lion King is the story of a young lion prince living in the flourishing African Pride Lands. Born into the royal family, precocious cub Simba spends his days exploring the sprawling savanna grasslands and idolizing his kingly father, Mufasa, while youthfully shirking the responsibility his position in life requires. When an unthinkable tragedy, orchestrated by Simba’s wicked uncle, Scar, takes his father’s life, Simba flees the Pride Lands, leaving his loss and the life he knew behind.
Package Includes:
4 NightsA Rear Orchestra/ Mezzanine Ticket type (option to upgrade available)
Riu Plaza New York Times Square
Call for price
Windsor Hotel
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Other 3, 4 or 5 star hotels available. Please call for full package details.
Ticket only prices also available. Please call Reservations for details.
* Conditions: Prices per person in NZ$, twin share on room only basis and ticket category as listed above. Prices based on a mid week performances and stay. Excludes shoulder/peak dates and blackout dates. Full non-refundable payment due at the time of booking. Subject to availability and AIM Holidays T&Cs as listed on our website.